Sunday, December 11, 2011

didnt know what i did or do today that lady luck got on to me! somehow its gonna do with 5! it doesnt start with 5 but it ends perferctly at 5..  but why is it 5 again?? questioning myself infront of the mirror in the toilet..
i just so over the sky now... haha.. oh well.. just wanna blog about it.. CHEERIOS!

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

(this post i found it in my blog draft. it has been there since 2008 !)


感情都会经历甜蜜,平淡,这是个必经的路程。可是你要的只是一直的甜蜜,过日子,怎么经得起,一天到晚地玩浪漫呢?我还是爱你,可是不会说出来,放在心里,真正爱的人,不会把甜言蜜语整天挂着嘴边,而是放在心里……   在分手后,听到这些,你们的心里会难受吗?爱情其实很简单,男人只是有些话,没有说出来,没有表达出来。男人比较腼腆,他们把爱放在心里。有时候不开口说,不开口问,不代表我们默不关心。

PS- this is just another side of me .

Friday, December 02, 2011

I believe it was fate that we met, now its up to me to carve our future........