Thursday, August 26, 2010

this is ever so random.. S(my ex gf) didnt see me as part of her life .. either in the present or in the future. she made me burn my letters from my girlfriend last time which i have kept for 2 years? everytime ask for breakup in a quarrell? during each quarell is all your saying, i kept quiet.. maybe that doesnt seems to be a quarrell since is just a person speaking. LOL.. i suddenly felt so stupid after i make her my priority, making so much effort to give her surprise and stuff.. but everything end with a snap i guess. Well i tolerate every temper she throws at me , behave such a princess. but ya. its okay. cause i love her.. . this will be the last bit about her.. i will be strong and move on the moment you start difting away from me.. BYE!

Well, i dont know is it fated that for me to meet you attracted me when i first saw you. i have been trying to restrain  myself from liking anyone but ya. just like car when out of control. Not to exaggerate but the smile of yours really  so sweet.(killer smile)(shot by Sinper) thats the moment..  i ever so want to appraoch you but i so afraid. shy maybe. so afraid to be rejected.. but ya. you got your reasons... hmmm... well, i taking my steps ever so carefully and slowly to approach you. just like an 80 year old man going down the stairs...

i start to see and take things differently now.. all i hope for you to be happy and well....

PS: wanted to tell you , if you are sad , let me know, i will be there for you.. but how! Mxxxxxxx

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