title: nt a bad sentosa trip .. LOL
awww.. nt a bad day laa.. haa.. its was a fruitful trip i tink... anyway.. SEE! my hair was black... haa.. n my skin is getting darker n daker.. nice rite? my hair oso nice rite... haha oops.. im nt the main attraction in this post laa.. haa.. it is the guy on the xtreme left of the pic? see it? he is takashiyo.. hmms.. nvm.. jus name him taka.. he was our new fren frm osaka japan.. haa.. cute rite..? he is 22yrs old now la.. he was quite a humourous guy lo.. we had fun playing ball n chit chatting.. happy times do flies.. we stll had to bid gdbye.. wish him all the best in japan.. GAMBATE!!
anyway.. tats not the end of my day la.. haha.. i saw two gals.. two great gals at sentosa.. it was like fallen angels from the heaven.haa.. omT~i open my eyes n turn around aft i had my tanning.. wah.. can tell u man.. u wud tot rhat u r dreaming ah.. i swear. haa.. the two gals was mixed blood de.. i tink is not local ba.. they were taking pics under the coc0nut trees at siloso beach wit their parents.. cant take myeyes of them until they walk till far far far ahead.. haa..
aiya.. regret nv take pic wit them ah.. damn it.. nvm.. one was cute wif black hair.. the other one was wif long brown hair hair ba.. she was pretty pretty.. haa
uncle ah.. wad two gorgeous daughters u hv ah.. how i wish i was ur son-in-law. haa. dreaming man.. how wud i hv the chance.. im an asian.. haa..
anyway,, i had sum1 in mind liao laa.. for goodness sake la.. mine will still be the best ,, hoho..
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